Assos - my ass!
Starting again with that whole cycling thing I had to get a bunch of stuff. Sitting on a bike for days makes picking the right setup between bike and ass a challenge. For the bib I must say, since I didn't had any idea of what to buy or not I finally went with Assos. There was an interesting article about these Italian guys which develop most of the padding cuts and materials and as well for and with Assos in my favourite mag, the Fahrstil. Having researched that the Mille S5 is/was one of the state-of-the-art-bibs for longer distances I wanted to get me one. Somehow Assos changed their complete line inventing the S7 products. So I had to go for one of those in the first step. I tried the T.cento - an 10mm padded bib. Sitting on that was fine, but after 160...170km I always felt some uncomfy irritations on the inner sides of the thighs. Doing a few times 200+ was not so much fun as they product was claimed to provide.
Fortunately I could get hold of a T FI.Mille S5 as well as a T.équipe_s7. Now that was fun. Riding and switching a few times between all of them. The Mille is a great product in general. You can ride it for long stretches without any trouble. These side flaps on the T.cento are really a disadvantage. They are simply too much at this position. Besides that, this 10mm foamish material is already too thick, I had many rides where I was sliding around on that pillow and had to maintain a certain position actively. That shouldn't be like this. So the comfort of the T.cento virtually dropped down with each mile riding the Mille or the new T.equipe. Since I used only these both bibs I was free of any trouble due to padding thickness or these side flaps. But - and this is a very small but nevertheless important factor - the front of the T.equipe has a slightly deeper cut than the Mille. Every time you stop and need to water the flowers this becomes a serious plus for the T.equipe.
I used the T.equipe in the Transcontinental Race without any problems, and kept the Mille for daily commuting. So there are approx. 6,000km on the T.equipe, 1,800km on the T.cento and some 1,200km on the Mille, I'd say that counts for field testing.
Fortunately I could get hold of a T FI.Mille S5 as well as a T.équipe_s7. Now that was fun. Riding and switching a few times between all of them. The Mille is a great product in general. You can ride it for long stretches without any trouble. These side flaps on the T.cento are really a disadvantage. They are simply too much at this position. Besides that, this 10mm foamish material is already too thick, I had many rides where I was sliding around on that pillow and had to maintain a certain position actively. That shouldn't be like this. So the comfort of the T.cento virtually dropped down with each mile riding the Mille or the new T.equipe. Since I used only these both bibs I was free of any trouble due to padding thickness or these side flaps. But - and this is a very small but nevertheless important factor - the front of the T.equipe has a slightly deeper cut than the Mille. Every time you stop and need to water the flowers this becomes a serious plus for the T.equipe.
I used the T.equipe in the Transcontinental Race without any problems, and kept the Mille for daily commuting. So there are approx. 6,000km on the T.equipe, 1,800km on the T.cento and some 1,200km on the Mille, I'd say that counts for field testing.
Mille, T.equipe, T.cento - all with typical reflective stripes |
Mille, T.equipe, T.cento |
Mille |
T.equipe |
T.cento |
T.cento side padding, way too much for me |
Why? Because you can. - Transcontinental Race 2014
Why? I still don't know. Because you can? Seems to be a valid answer, at least to me. Left Hamburg on Monday morning, heading towards London, 875 km which took me 2 1/2 days and was quite some fun, besides the profile on the island.
Hamburg - somewhere in Netherlands: 354 km |
somewhere in Netherlands - somewhere in Belgium: 320 km |
somehwere in Belgium - London: 201 km |
After hanging around at the nice AirBnB flat and meeting some riders over a briefing beer, I was more or less wasting time with sleeping, eating pasta and getting a pair of new cleats. I was then sent off by my better half and did what I usually do once I sit one a bike for a bit longer - eating miles.
day 1: 355 km |
day 2: 375 km |
day 3: 381 km |
day 4: 183 km |
day 5: 288 km |
day 6: 271 km |
day 7: 341 km |
day 8: 319 km |
day 9: 355 km |
day 10: 283 km |
day 11: 279 km |
10 day 9 hours 17 mins - 3,430 km
pic by Matthias Wjst (wjst.de)
I still don't know. Was I lucky, was it just all too smooth for me this time? What if I would have thought about "racing" a bit earlier? Would it have made the things in my head more complicated? Or would I have ended up under 10 days, or at a better position? I really don't know. I was following the race last year and found it a thrill. I didn't had a road bike that time, I stopped with an old steel frame road bike couple years ago, I was more into my MTB and a heavy robust steel travel bike. I didn't feel ready at all. Long time. Even after buying me the bike, getting all that important things together (which will be another post). When there was the announcement for the race I felt a bit shy. Not this year, I'm not ready. But maybe this was just a lie. When they opened the list again for one day in April I was procrastinating alone at night, entering my data. And expected to hear nothing anymore. Mid of June I asked Mike if there will be some news because there were some empty lines on the list. And hell, it became a serious thing now. Doing miles. Long stretches. With the stuff on the bike. Even with 2,500km done in July alone I didn't feel ready. But it is kinda okay, it keeps your expectations low. A thing which helps me in my job as an engineer quite often. A healthy pessimistic view and you prepare much better than you would actually need. Leading to a nice result. All I wanted to do is not missing the finishers party. So far it worked out. Everything else was a huge surprise to me. Well okay, I had my bad day. I'm not trained to climb that much like on day 4. It went better after the Alps. Maybe I should have planned a similar route like Adrian, approaching the Stelvio from north, avoiding some climbs on the way. It was a good example that the shortest way isn't always the fastest or easiest. I will keep that in mind. Because. You never know. It was too much fun to not do it again one day. Or something like this. Because you can.Some pictures from my holidays
The race blog: http://reportage.transcontinentalrace.com/?page_id=99
The trackers: http://trackleaders.com/transconrace14f.php#maintabs-1
My tracker: #50
Some more pics by Matthias Wjst: http://www.wjst.de/images/index.php
Never trust a Shimano Techdoc ...
...at least use ur brain first.
Shimano 11-fach Ultegra, die 6800er. Soweit es geht ist die ja schon gut abgespeckt, ergo sind die Kettenblattschrauben aus ... richtig, Aluminium. Und da wir ja schöööön vorsichtig mit dem Spielzeug umgehen wollen, erstmal das entsprechende Techdoc gezogen.
Auf http://si.shimano.com/#seriesList/38 findet sich zum Beispiel für die Kurbelgarnitur das Dokument DM-FC0003-03 - in den jeweils verfügbaren Sprachen. Mittlerweile in 3ter Revision. Aber immer noch mit einer kruden Angabe zum Anzugsmoment für die Kettenblattschrauben. Steht da doch tatsächlich 12 bis 16 Nm!
Auha. Nun ja. Als braver Endverbraucher macht man das nun erstmal. Hah! Besser nicht. Sondern man stutzt besser erstmal ... und kommt drauf, dass das eigentlich zuviel sein dürfte. Sonst sieht das nämlich so aus:
Empfohlene Anzugsmomente für Alu-Kettenblattschrauben liegen irgendwo unter 10 Nm. Paul Lange gibt's mal an die Angelzubehörfirma in Fernost weiter. Und ich warte auf die Ersatzschraube. Cheers.
Shimano 11-fach Ultegra, die 6800er. Soweit es geht ist die ja schon gut abgespeckt, ergo sind die Kettenblattschrauben aus ... richtig, Aluminium. Und da wir ja schöööön vorsichtig mit dem Spielzeug umgehen wollen, erstmal das entsprechende Techdoc gezogen.
Auf http://si.shimano.com/#seriesList/38 findet sich zum Beispiel für die Kurbelgarnitur das Dokument DM-FC0003-03 - in den jeweils verfügbaren Sprachen. Mittlerweile in 3ter Revision. Aber immer noch mit einer kruden Angabe zum Anzugsmoment für die Kettenblattschrauben. Steht da doch tatsächlich 12 bis 16 Nm!
Auha. Nun ja. Als braver Endverbraucher macht man das nun erstmal. Hah! Besser nicht. Sondern man stutzt besser erstmal ... und kommt drauf, dass das eigentlich zuviel sein dürfte. Sonst sieht das nämlich so aus:
Empfohlene Anzugsmomente für Alu-Kettenblattschrauben liegen irgendwo unter 10 Nm. Paul Lange gibt's mal an die Angelzubehörfirma in Fernost weiter. Und ich warte auf die Ersatzschraube. Cheers.
Gilles Berthoud latex saddle cover "rubber" - better call it "rubbish"
It all started with their saddle, the Aspin. Fine product after all the trouble with the poor Selle An-Atomica. To protect my nice leather saddle while being off the saddle a cover would be cool, so their product should be the best option ever. Ordered directly at their shop and was impressed. For a while. I mean, I cycle troughout the year, and yes that's what Gilles Berthoud saddles are made for. To be ridden every day. Understandable to use their cover also every day while being at work having the bike standing outside. So it was quite nice, put that little black piece of latex on the Aspin and find a dry saddle while heading back home.
It went like this for not even a year. Until a few months ago. One day I realised some tiny little holes on the front, there where the saddles nose is located. Uh, ehm, damn. What happened? Taking the cover off it felt also a bit thin in this area. And - surprise - looking onto the inner side, there were tiny litte circles, matching the saddles washer shape. How that? Looking a bit closer it seemed that the washers had something to do with these marks. Along these spots the observed holes were located. I'm an engineer. I like techy stuff, chemistry, thermodynamics, physics. I had a feeling to look a bit into the washer-latex-thing. Bingo. There is a tramendous impact on the latex molecules once in contact with copper-based metals such as brass, like the washers. Copper is cutting the double bond on the isoprene and the degree of polymerisation is going down. In German this effect is called "Latexkrebs" (latex-cancer), describing that the latex doesn't stop to get destructed. It builds some very sticky glue and the holes are getting bigger and bigger. That seems all not to be a big surprise, look into all the larp or theater accesoires or even at the fetish stuff. There is always a warning not to bring metal into contact with the latex material. Surprise. Do they have chemistry in school in France? Do you run a production without checking the usability of your prodct at Gilles Berthoud? Do you create something meant to protect your other products but not making sure that they will work together?
Well, nowadays you write an E-mail and ask the guys about it. So I did. On their homepage, by my E-Mail. Two times. In English. Without any response. No feedback, no ticket, nothing. Well. They are probably not capable of reading and understanding English. Asked a friend to put my request in French. Sent this out as well. No response either.
I throw it here:
"Mesdames et Mesieurs, j'ai commandé un couvre selle chez nous (11.12.2012, numéro de commande 5694, lien: 203COU100 couvre selle imperméable latex noir http://www.gillesberthoud.fr/fiche_detaillee/fiche.php?refArticle=203COU100).
J'ai utilisée cet couvre sur un Gilles Berthoud Aspin. Malheureusement, pendant les dernières semaines, des fissures s'ont formées dans le latex. Cettes fissures se trouvent surtout sur le nez camus. Là, le latex est en contact directe avec une rondelle plate en laiton qui est part du selle. Malheureusement, le latex ne résiste pas du tout le laiton. C'est un fait connu que les molecules latex sont détruites par le laiton.
Voyez, s'il vous plaît les details sûr les photos qui j'ai attachée. Le latex n'est pas un matérieau convenable pour les couvres selle.
Pourriez-vous me proposer une solution, s'il vous plaît?
Je vous remercie de votre aide et je vous prie d'agréer mes sincères salutations."
Seems they care a shit about their customers at Gilles Berthoud. No response since nearly two months on that as well. Fun fact - on the date I sent the french E-Mail to them someone wanted to leave a reply to this updated blogpost, showing the beginning of destruction. There was no contact ID left, so it was not released as a comment:
""Designed for protection, NOT FOR RIDING." ist auf der Verpackung zu lesen (ist sogar auf den etwas unscharfen Fotos zu erkennen). Meint konkret, wenn man selbst auf dem Sattel sitzt, möge man den Überzug voher entfernen - denn dieser soll nur als Regenschutz diesen.
Dieser 'Rub-ber' ist egentlich eine lohnende Anschaffung, denn sich auf einen nassen / durchweichten Ledersattel zu setzen, ist nicht nur unangenehm, sondern auch der schnellste Weg einen Ledersattel zu ruinieren."
This comment was left by "Gilles". I mean - is there someone so stupid at Gilles Berthoud that they believe I do ride with that cover on the saddle?! Seriously?
Insert LOLs here.
But funny, I observe the cover since I don't use it anymore. It's alive. It converts into some sticky oily glue, I call it "Blob". Don't touch it, it's a mess to remove that shit from the fingers.
Bottom line:
1. Gilles Berthoud has the most crappiest customer care ever - none at all.
2. Gilles Berthoud product development should go back to school.
3. Gilles Berthoud saddle cover will leave sticky shit on your nice leather saddles.
4. Gilles Berthoud saddle covers are only suitable on plastic saddles, no Gilles Berthoud, no Brooks, no Lepper, nothing with any rivets.
Save your money, don't buy that shit, it's ripp-off!

how it started

brass washer marks on latex

saddle nose, few weeks ago

bigger holes every week

as today, fully gone



also now on the rear washer positions


outside front

outside rear
It went like this for not even a year. Until a few months ago. One day I realised some tiny little holes on the front, there where the saddles nose is located. Uh, ehm, damn. What happened? Taking the cover off it felt also a bit thin in this area. And - surprise - looking onto the inner side, there were tiny litte circles, matching the saddles washer shape. How that? Looking a bit closer it seemed that the washers had something to do with these marks. Along these spots the observed holes were located. I'm an engineer. I like techy stuff, chemistry, thermodynamics, physics. I had a feeling to look a bit into the washer-latex-thing. Bingo. There is a tramendous impact on the latex molecules once in contact with copper-based metals such as brass, like the washers. Copper is cutting the double bond on the isoprene and the degree of polymerisation is going down. In German this effect is called "Latexkrebs" (latex-cancer), describing that the latex doesn't stop to get destructed. It builds some very sticky glue and the holes are getting bigger and bigger. That seems all not to be a big surprise, look into all the larp or theater accesoires or even at the fetish stuff. There is always a warning not to bring metal into contact with the latex material. Surprise. Do they have chemistry in school in France? Do you run a production without checking the usability of your prodct at Gilles Berthoud? Do you create something meant to protect your other products but not making sure that they will work together?
Well, nowadays you write an E-mail and ask the guys about it. So I did. On their homepage, by my E-Mail. Two times. In English. Without any response. No feedback, no ticket, nothing. Well. They are probably not capable of reading and understanding English. Asked a friend to put my request in French. Sent this out as well. No response either.
I throw it here:
"Mesdames et Mesieurs, j'ai commandé un couvre selle chez nous (11.12.2012, numéro de commande 5694, lien: 203COU100 couvre selle imperméable latex noir http://www.gillesberthoud.fr/fiche_detaillee/fiche.php?refArticle=203COU100).
J'ai utilisée cet couvre sur un Gilles Berthoud Aspin. Malheureusement, pendant les dernières semaines, des fissures s'ont formées dans le latex. Cettes fissures se trouvent surtout sur le nez camus. Là, le latex est en contact directe avec une rondelle plate en laiton qui est part du selle. Malheureusement, le latex ne résiste pas du tout le laiton. C'est un fait connu que les molecules latex sont détruites par le laiton.
Voyez, s'il vous plaît les details sûr les photos qui j'ai attachée. Le latex n'est pas un matérieau convenable pour les couvres selle.
Pourriez-vous me proposer une solution, s'il vous plaît?
Je vous remercie de votre aide et je vous prie d'agréer mes sincères salutations."
Seems they care a shit about their customers at Gilles Berthoud. No response since nearly two months on that as well. Fun fact - on the date I sent the french E-Mail to them someone wanted to leave a reply to this updated blogpost, showing the beginning of destruction. There was no contact ID left, so it was not released as a comment:
""Designed for protection, NOT FOR RIDING." ist auf der Verpackung zu lesen (ist sogar auf den etwas unscharfen Fotos zu erkennen). Meint konkret, wenn man selbst auf dem Sattel sitzt, möge man den Überzug voher entfernen - denn dieser soll nur als Regenschutz diesen.
Dieser 'Rub-ber' ist egentlich eine lohnende Anschaffung, denn sich auf einen nassen / durchweichten Ledersattel zu setzen, ist nicht nur unangenehm, sondern auch der schnellste Weg einen Ledersattel zu ruinieren."
This comment was left by "Gilles". I mean - is there someone so stupid at Gilles Berthoud that they believe I do ride with that cover on the saddle?! Seriously?
Insert LOLs here.
But funny, I observe the cover since I don't use it anymore. It's alive. It converts into some sticky oily glue, I call it "Blob". Don't touch it, it's a mess to remove that shit from the fingers.
Bottom line:
1. Gilles Berthoud has the most crappiest customer care ever - none at all.
2. Gilles Berthoud product development should go back to school.
3. Gilles Berthoud saddle cover will leave sticky shit on your nice leather saddles.
4. Gilles Berthoud saddle covers are only suitable on plastic saddles, no Gilles Berthoud, no Brooks, no Lepper, nothing with any rivets.
Save your money, don't buy that shit, it's ripp-off!
how it started
brass washer marks on latex
saddle nose, few weeks ago
bigger holes every week
as today, fully gone
also now on the rear washer positions
outside front
outside rear
ELEVEN vélo - stupid, but Hipster
Herr, schmeiss Hirn hinter die Bärte!
ELEVEN vélo beschreibt sich ja selbst als Designschmiede von allerhöchstem Niveau. Kann man ja machen, den Mund so richtig schön voll nehmen. Aber dann muss man bitteschön auch was hinter der aufgerissenen Fresse haben. Ein wenig Rechtschreibung zum Beispiel, oder vielmehr Namenskunde.
Findedendie Fehler*:
Was hier für teuer Geld (AU$30 ca 18€) angepriesen wird läuft unter "Art" - Fehlersuchbild oder "sry-but-I-was-to-stupid-for-copy-paste" würde besser passen.
‘Grand Tour Legends’ Glicée poster.
~ Each print numbered.
~ 42 x 29.7cm / 16.5 x 11.7" (A3).
~ Printed on archival paper using 8 colour archival ink.
~ Min 25mm / 1" gutter for mounting and framing.
~ Shipped in heavy weight art tube via Standard Air Mail.
Printed inhouse by ELEVEN vélo.
Aber wahrscheinlich sind wir nun lediglich endgültig in der Post-Fixie-Hipster-Ära angelangt, man muss noch nicht mal wissen was da eigentlich auf dem fancy Rennkäppi steht oder wer mal irgendwann seinem Fahrradrahmen Namenspate stand. Sechs, setzen.
ELEVEN vélo beschreibt sich ja selbst als Designschmiede von allerhöchstem Niveau. Kann man ja machen, den Mund so richtig schön voll nehmen. Aber dann muss man bitteschön auch was hinter der aufgerissenen Fresse haben. Ein wenig Rechtschreibung zum Beispiel, oder vielmehr Namenskunde.
Was hier für teuer Geld (AU$30 ca 18€) angepriesen wird läuft unter "Art" - Fehlersuchbild oder "sry-but-I-was-to-stupid-for-copy-paste" würde besser passen.
‘Grand Tour Legends’ Glicée poster.
~ Each print numbered.
~ 42 x 29.7cm / 16.5 x 11.7" (A3).
~ Printed on archival paper using 8 colour archival ink.
~ Min 25mm / 1" gutter for mounting and framing.
~ Shipped in heavy weight art tube via Standard Air Mail.
Printed inhouse by ELEVEN vélo.
Aber wahrscheinlich sind wir nun lediglich endgültig in der Post-Fixie-Hipster-Ära angelangt, man muss noch nicht mal wissen was da eigentlich auf dem fancy Rennkäppi steht oder wer mal irgendwann seinem Fahrradrahmen Namenspate stand. Sechs, setzen.
- Veluta - wahrscheinlich ist hier die Vuelta gemeint
- Bernard NINULT - wahrscheinlich ist hier Bernard Hinault gemeint
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